What are the advantages of having an dispenser ?

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The system offers customers a unique product
in the market place, with unquestionable quality,
's own formula toothpaste has full FDA approval.

Where can you find it ? .... Wherever you can eat and drink !

In the restaurant and pizzerias, after lunch or dinner in a pub or a cafè, people can refresh their mouths before going back to work, an important meeting, a party or date. The toothbrush restores your confidence, a pleasant smile and kiss!
Mini-toothbrushes placed in the washrooms of hotels, provide an additional amenity, which enhances customer satisfaction and the quality of the service.

Be ahead of the competition!

During travel,on a super highway, you can find a Mini-toothbrush in all food services.
In shopping malls, factories, offices and hospitals the availability of is very helpful for both workers and visitors alike; whether they eat on the premises or take away.
Likewise, for both school and university students, a long way from home being able to have access to is a great advantage.
In airports, railways station, and bus stations, people can often spend a great amount of time. Where there is an dispenser everyone has the opportunity to clean their teeth and refresh their mouths.
At Gymnasiums, at swimming pools and and at the beach.

's customers get free publicity
on every Mini-toothbrush tube!!!!